On May 2, 2024, we will enter a period of deep introspection as PLUTO, the Planet of Transformation enters a 5-6 month Retrograde period, meaning an “apparent” backward motion. This is actually an optical illusion but from our perspective on earth, when a planet slows down in its orbit, it looks like it is backsliding. Nevertheless, it still has an affect on our psyche and Pluto, the farthest, smallest and most profound planetary body, affects us at the deepest level.
In Astrology, Pluto is known as the Planet of Transformation and astronomically, it is considered a planetoid (small planet).
Having re-entered Aquarius on Jan. 2024, it will move between this fixed-air sign and earthy Capricorn before entering Aquarius for 20 years on Nov. 19th, this year.
During this retrograde period, we may be pushed out of our comfort zones, as we are being urged to go deep within and shed any burdensome emotions that have held us hostage from embracing our personal power.
It’s a time of Deep Introspection for Personal Empowerment!
Pluto is an Outer/Generational Planet affecting a large group of individuals due to the fact that it stays in one sign for a long period of time.
While in Aquarius we will be encouraged to take a long hard look at how technology is affecting us and the will affect the future:
Will it render us Powerless or provide tools for Empowerment?
During Pluto’s long journey through Capricorn 2008 - 2023, we have been looking at how governments, corporations and big business execute power and control. Now in a state of flux as we move between 2 signs: Capricorn & Aquarius, with very different energies:
It provides “food for thought” as we, slowly go from “Top-Down Authority to People Speak!” This, of course, won’t happen overnight but slowly & surely,
“Slow and steady wins the race!”
Life never moves backward . . . ALWAYS, forward!
Pluto, Retrograde gives us time to think, at a deep & profound level, as to what kind of a future we want. It gives us time to do some important soul-searching as to how we can stand in our personal power, while contributing to the larger whole!
Take time to Ponder:
Embrace the issues that require change, both personally and collectively and embrace them with open arms and a receptive heart!
Happy Introspection!
May you be Enlightened & Empowered!
Janet 🔮